Apelabil din UK (tarif normal)

Apelabil din afara UK (tarif normal)

Immigration requirements

Free movement for workers means that every EU national has the right to work in the Uk and at the same time live, in any other EU country according to the European Commission.

This fundamental freedom laid down in Article 39 of the EC Treaty entitles you to:

  • look for a job in another country
  • work there without a need for a work permit
  • live there for that purpose
  • stay there even after your employment has finished
  • enjoy equal treatment with nationals in access to employment, working conditions and all other social and tax advantages that may help you integrate with the host country

Even if you have the rights mentioned above it is better to ask for a legal advice from a Romanian lawyer. That means you will know what is the legal procedure to have the rights guaranteed in statutes in England and Wales.

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