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About Andreea Moscovici

Andreea Moscovici is a Romanian lawyer with over 15 years’ legal experience. She graduated from University of Law “Nicolae Titulescu” in Bucharest (Romania) with magna cum laude and since 2006 she is a member of Bucharest Bar Association.

In the first years of her carrier, she worked with well-known law practices in Romania and got further experience in public relations as the Head of the legal department at the Bucharest Town Hall.

From 2011 Andreea decided to run her own business as lawyer (solicitor and barrister). Her area of expertise is in civil law, commercial law, administrative law and family law.

From 2016 she was a European Lawyer registered with Solicitors Regulatory Authority gathering a valuable experience in English jurisdiction.

Andreea speaks Romanian and English fluently and her goal is to help, assist and provide legal advice for Romanian community.

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