Clandestine entrance

Road transport companies and their drivers must secure vehicles coming into the UK to stop ‘clandestine entrants’. A clandestine entrant is a person who hides in or on a vehicle to avoid going through UK border control.

If you don’t secure your vehicle, and you’re found carrying clandestine entrants into the UK, you’ll get a fine (also known as a ‘civil penalty’).

You face a fine of up to £2,000 for each clandestine entrant you carry. The vehicle’s driver, owner or hirer can be fined.

The law applies to all arrivals into the UK, including from European sea ports and on the Eurotunnel Shuttle.

What happens if I get a fine?
You’ll get a form (‘Form IS11’) showing the amount of the fine. You must pay it within 60 days of the form’s issue date.

Could I object the fine?
Yes you have the right to object to a fine. You must do this within 28 days.

Could I appeal against the Home Office decision?
Yes you have the right to appeal a fine to a country court. You must do this within 28 days of:

•the issue date on your ‘Form IS11’ if you didn’t object to the fine
•the date your objection is decided if you objected to the fine

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