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Debt recovery

Every business needs to make money in order to survive. If your business has provided goods or services to another business or an individual and hasn’t received payment, then these debts could have serious implications, affecting your cash flow and also any plans you might have had to grow your business.

Effective debt recovery should be a key part of any business strategy to ensure that you are paid for the work you do.

The first step when collecting a debt is to issue a letter before action, reminding the debtor they have an outstanding debt which requires payment. In many cases, the letter before action is all that is required to prompt the recipient to pay whatever monies are owed to your business.

If, after sending a letter before action the debt remains unpaid, then the next step will be to take court action against the debtor. Our solicitors will issue legal proceedings at Court on your behalf. When we issue proceedings, we will set out on the claim form the amount of debt due, any interest or compensation you are claiming, as well as our costs and the costs of the court.

Our aim is to provide you with the right legal advice and information about the options open to you to minimize the disruption caused by a dispute.

Contact us and we will focus on early recovery of debt by proactive contact with the debtors both before and after issue proceedings. Often this produces very successful result and frequently the relation between the client and the debtor is rehabilitated.

We will treat each case individually depends of the client needs and will answer promptly for each request.

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