Employment terms

Written particulars of the terms and conditions of the employment

Did you receive a job offer? Do you know your employment rights and conditions?

Andreea Moscovici, Romanian lawyer in UK may help you with legal advice to provide your employment rights. Also, we provide high quality legal opinion on written particulars of the main terms and conditions of your employment.

Rights during employment

If you contract of employment was not reviewed by a specialist lawyer and you did not receive an advice, it is possible that your employer do not take into consideration your rights and you may be disadvantaged.

Law requires that employers complies with relevant law relating to employee’s working conditions like: hours of work, rest period, young workers rights, national minimum wage, itemized pay statement, Tax and social security contribution, pension scheme, holiday, sick pay, maternity or paternity leave, disciplinary procedures and health and safety.

Termination of employment

Termination of contract can give rise to a number of different claims under UK law.

The principal claims that may arise on termination of employment are

(i) Wrongful dismissal;

(ii) Unfair dismissal;

(iii) Constructive dismissal

(iv)Unfair redundancy or a claim for a redundancy payment;

(iv) a claim arising out of a failure to give written reasons for dismissal; and

(v) a claim for discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation

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